As someone who is a bit too into note-taking and figuring out how/where to keep them all, I have been trying to make things simpler. As such, this is going to be a short newsletter.
One of the ways that I try to help out my future self is by highlighting my Bible as I am reading through it. At the moment, this is mainly happening during my daily Bible reading. Because I am only reading 2-4 chapters per day, I am taking my time with it and trying to notice things that I wouldn’t if I was reading more.
I was greatly helped in this by a short video by a guy called Chad Brooks. He’s a pastor who makes a lot of content about Bible reading, note-taking, and being productive in ministry. While his own colour-coding system for Bible notes and highlights is MASSIVE, he actually started off with only three colours.
I often work outside of an office, whether at home or the church, and so the fewer things I need to carry or keep track of, the better. Three highlighters isn’t too many. As a reference for myself, I made the image below. Maybe you’ll find it helpful.
What about you? Do you have a system you use for marking up your Bible?
You know, I saw Chad's list of colours and thought "There's no way I could remember all those!" I actually had a set of 5-7 that I was using but I found it led to too much cognitive overhead "Is blue salvation or sin? Is this point more about grace or love?" A three colour system like this seems far more manageable (And you can always chuck one more in if there's a particular topic your are investigating). Thanks for sharing.